So I took my son down to Wildwood to start his summer job in Mariner's arcade last week. His first day was June 15th and he is really doing well there. Not only is this his first job in Wildwood, this is his first job ever! He is following in my footsteps because I worked in Wildwood all through high school and college...although I mostly worked in a dollar store and delivering pizzas. I now have other responsibilities, so I can no longer spend the entire summer down the shore, so my mom will be spending most of the summer with him. Here are some pictures and observations from last week:

An "official" lifeguard store at Robert's Avenue.

Dante's Dungeon paint job is starting to look rough. It was the only dark ride open this week and I noticed a new stunt inside when we rode it.

Not many rides were open on Morey's Surfside pier...maybe due to lack of employees. The Doowopper and the Zoom Flume were not operational.

The Balloon Ride on Morey's Pier was removed and replaced with a Dippin' Dots stand.

We were sad that the shaved ice place was replaced with an icy tea place. We really liked the old shaved ice place.

A fixed-up gift shop.

I was surprised to see the Roll-A-Bingo place was busy. They finally realized that you have to call the games and keep things interesting. When we played there last year, the guy was just blaring music and had us play 4-corners rather than typical bingo. You always need to start with regular bingo.

Of course I got some Mack's and of course it was delicious!!!

I also got an ice cream and waffles at the new Johnny Scoops. It was also delicious. They make the waffles fresh and the price is reasonable. The only thing they are missing is the powdered sugar....I told him he needs to get it!

The White Dolphin fixed up their light-up sign...although the arrow needs many new bulbs.

The Grandview Gift Shop was replaced with a Kettle Corn place.

The Electric Beach store got some new signs and fixed up their shop.

The old timers still play bocce ball on the courts off the boardwalk.

And here's my son after a hard day of work. Well, I will be heading down with my wife and daughter later this week to celebrate our son's 15th birthday. He wants to eat at the Lobster House...expensive taste. So more reports to come!
Thanks for posting. Great pics. What a great opportunity for your son. Just awesome. Now for a bit of silly fun......Imagine someday when your son has finished secondary education, college or trade, and he is sitting down for his first job interview with some large company.....The interviewer says, I see young man that you worked for the Moreys on the Boardwalk....Yes sir I did........You're HIRED😀 Thanks again for the post and updates.......Warren.
Great pictures and report as usual! Your son is going to have a blast this summer, an experience he will never forget. Too bad about the shortage of help as it seems to be the case everywhere. I think a lot of people don't want to take seasonal work. The Lobster House is one of my favorites as well.
It was surprising that the White Dolphin and the new kettle corn place got new signs since the Grand view will be knocked down for the new boardwalk hotel. It will be interesting to see when that is going to happen. Great trip report.
Great report and it looks like your son is going to have a fun and memorable summer. It's sad that they don't have enough employees to be able to have all the rides open. Hopefully things get better as the summer progresses. If I had the ability to stay down for the summer I'd definitely love to get a job down there.