Since all our old trip reports were lost with the old message board, I decided I would occasionally post some pictures from old visits to Wildwood. This report includes some pictures from June 20th, 2005.

The old skeeball lanes in Gateway 26 after they moved them from the back of the arcade to one of the smaller front rooms. These were great because they use to take a dime.

My wife posing in front of the old "Flame Inn" at 23rd and Surf.

Me posing in front of the old Thunderbird Inn which was also on Surf.

A look at the old Seaport Village before it was a swimming pool.

Sportland Pier still had the Dairy Queen and arcade.

Dr. Blood's House of Horrors was still standing, although it hadn't operated since the 80s.

Morey's had just converted Dante's Inferno to Dante's Dungeon.

Mariner's Landing had just converted Dark River to Pirates of Wildwood.

The Cook's Shoppe was new this season.

The big Curley's Fry sign on Morey's Pier was new.

They had just knocked down the Captain's Table restaurant.

They had just put in the Commerce Bank on Rio Grande Ave.
I should also ask..what years have you NOT gone down to Wildwood?Would love to see reports from random years you went. I started going in 93 (7 years old) and went until 03. I went for one night in 05 but stayed down in Diamond Beach for the night and didn't really see much of anything besides that. Then from 13 until I had a 10 year gap.
dude this is INCREDIBLE!!! thank you for sharing this! it's insane how much has changed. 05 was a big year for things disappearing, right in the middle of that 04-09 or so period where we lost so much. love this idea, looking forward to seeing more retro reports!