While in WW last month, we stopped at A & LP for some takeout heroes. We noticed that there were no prices in their menus so we asked an employee and were told we would have to go on their web site to see the prices. I told him maybe we'll check it out when we get back home and left.
The next day we went to Little Nicky's for dinner and encountered a menu board above the counter without a single price. When we asked them, they said that prices were listed on their menus... but they're out of them. They said we could go their web site. Again we walked out without ordering anything. Once back home, i wrote the letter below to the owner Nicky's. Of course i got no reply. Has anybody been experiencing this secret pricing phenomenon?
We've been vacationing in Wildwood since 1986 and have always had pizza, lunches, and even some breakfasts at Little Nicky's. Now i know you are the new owner of this and Pompeo's but i figured the food and service would be similar. Here's how it went. We walked into Nicky's looking for a take out dinner and soon noticed NO prices at all on the menu. So, i asked the counter help about prices and was told that they were out of menus and that i would have to go on their web site to find out the prices of different items. Well, i have a flip phone so this is impossible and they didn't have the time, knowledge, or willingness to quote prices so we left. I didn't feel comfortable ordering food without knowing the prices and i don't feel it's good business practice to do this. I felt like i was being conned.
That week we ate at the corner deli, Steak 'em Up, 3 Brother's, etc.... every place left and right of Nicky's because they had prices clearly listed. Now i know we're only 2 customers but most likely are not the only ones who feel this way. We do have friends who vacation in WW and i do frequent a couple of WW forums and i can no longer recommend Nicky's because of this business practice. We will be in WW again for a week at the beginning of September. When we walk up to Nick's, if there's no menu prices we will keep walking.
I know many places don't put prices on their signs right now due to the price of foods (meats mostly) have been changing so much. I know some places stopped serving some dishes just because it would cost too much. That could explain it.
I haven't seen that before but maybe it is something due to Covid. I wanted to try Little Nicky's but we never made it down there. Maybe once things calm down they'll fix the price issue.
It shouldn't take long for them to print some menus with updated prices. When I read the topic title, I thought this was going to be about establishments offering "secret" prices by locals in the know, probably with a discount password.
I encountered this exact situation at a restaurant in OCMD a couple of weeks ago and was told it was due to prices constantly changing (going up) due to inflation caused by shortages in certain food items. I did notice some items that were always on the menu like crab cakes no longer being on some menus. I only put up with it because we were already seated and most other places had long waits.
I know the prices of product have gone up. I feel it's shady not to list the prices. I don't mind paying more but I don't expect to pay like $5 a slice either.
Seaport Pier and Cap'n Jack's don't list the prices of beer or mixed drinks. Seaport handed me a small, warm can of beer and charged close to $6. Shouldn't be that high.
That seems odd that they don't have some menus available.
I think it's lazy for a store not to have prices right there, and expect guests to have to go online to find them "their own selves".