Ok, so let me give this a try on the new board. We were down in Wildwood from July 1st to the 6th for our annual 4th of July trip. Here are some pictures and observations.
Of course I got Mack's, and it was great like always. This is my first picture of Mack's on the new forum. Hopefully it won't get deleted.
They were raising this small house located across from the Acme in North Wildwood. Imagine the huge set of steps up to this small house.
This huge concrete seawall is on Rio Grande and Susquehanna Avenues. I guess it will provide storm protection from the bay.
The Rio Grande McDonald's is now open for business.
I didn't realize they put a new McDonald's at the former location of the Sonic in the Walmart shopping center.
A new place that has ice cream in a cake roll. We didn't try it, but it sounds good.
They put a cookie and ice cream shop at the front corner of the Olympic block. They make fresh ice cream cookie sandwiches.
They finally painted over the old Olympic animal wheel.
The Runaway Tram grand opening was postponed because they are waiting for final approval from the state. Guest Services told us the new opening date is July 12th.
This guy was adding LED lights to the track. He said the lights will follow the tram.
Although the ride wasn't open, they had plenty of merch.
They even had Flitzer merch...go figure.
New signage on the quarter toss on Morey's Surfside Pier.
The new candy wheel on Morey's Surfside Pier.
Randy got a new neon Fascination sign. My son played Fascination several times during the week. The only problem is there is no AC in there and it gets very hot. Randy would probably be doing much better if he had some AC.
They put a pizza shop at the front of the Boardwalk Mall and reused some of the old Fredo's Pizza signs...but the pizza is 1.99 a slice, not a dollar.
They started setting up a new antique photo place in the Boardwalk Mall. It's at the same spot as the old one used to be.
They put a real estate stand in the Boardwalk Mall.
They reopened the Wildwood Historical Museum display in the mall.
There are still a ton of empty stores in the mall, and the arcade is still a mess.
They were repainting the letters on the thin Wildwood water tower to make it look fancier.
The water tower looks nice, but it's now harder to read from a distance.
The regulations are getting real strict in the Morey's water parks...:)
A Hawaiian shaved ice stand opened at the location of the old Rita's.
We tried it a couple times and really liked it. It's much better than a snow cone.
I think this Dunkin' next to the Doo Wop Diner is new...because I don't remember it being there. But I might be wrong.
They put up an electric beach scooter course next to Adventure Pier. $20 seems expensive to ride around in a circle.
They installed this aluminum ADA ramp next to the monster truck rides.
This horrible looking discount store is located at the start of the boardwalk in North Wildwood. I don't know how they allow them to be open.
This new steak shop was also open in North Wildwood. They even had a future Taylor Swift singing songs.
We managed to win a Toto in Gateway to complete one of our Wizard of Oz sets. Be careful in there...they now have "baby" Totos which aren't worth as much as the real Totos. The baby Toto's have a hole punched in the corner of the card. We got fooled by one of them.
We ate at the Surfing Pig restaurant in North Wildwood for my brother's birthday. This was our first time there and we enjoyed the food and view.
The view of the bay from our table.
My grilled fish tacos.
My mom's ribs.
My son's brisket cheese steak.
Some of the tram cars stopped during the 4th of July fireworks and the drivers enjoyed the show.
Well, that's my first trip report on the new message board. We had a great trip and will be returning in August. We are off to Maine at the end of this month.
Really enjoyed the pictures (especially since I won't be down until next month). I've been wondering what was going on with the Boardwalk Mall. It's too bad that it's still pretty vacant.
ah yes, NOW it feels like our proper Doo Wop forum...great report! bummer to hear there's no AC in Randy's. still, I plan to get my Fascination fix. The Hawaiian ice looks good.
Really enjoyed the pictures (especially since I won't be down until next month). I've been wondering what was going on with the Boardwalk Mall. It's too bad that it's still pretty vacant.
Very nice report. Hopefully they won't change the start date again for the runaway tram
Great report and pics. Really enjoyed them. So nice to see this forum improve. The pics really do display very nicely. Thanks for your report.
Did little Nickys open up this years ???
Great Pics cant wait to head down in Aug
ah yes, NOW it feels like our proper Doo Wop forum...great report! bummer to hear there's no AC in Randy's. still, I plan to get my Fascination fix. The Hawaiian ice looks good.
Great report and pics as always.
The DD next to the doowop has been since at least last September. I picked up coffee from there on Car show weekend.
The format of the message board is looking better... I'm glad the powers that be are listening
Excellent report, makes me even more stoked for my trip beginning next weekend. The photos show great on this new board.
What the heck is with that discount store, what a mess!
It was a really fun trip! They did add a trip reports section.