I had to go into Jersey to drop off some video equipment on Monday, so my son and I decided to stop by Wildwood for the day. It was very slow on the island and not too much was open. We were, however, able to get a slice of Mack's Pizza and a roast beef sandwich from Snow White...which were great like always. Here are some pictures and observations.

A worker was painting the outside of the Lobster Shack...although it doesn't look like it will open anytime soon.

The tram cars were running and they added plexiglass between the seating areas. The price also went up to $4. They are also using an app so that you can pay with credit. I saw someone trying to use it and it looked like they were having all types of trouble. It may have some bugs that need to be worked out.

Pop's Carmel Corn is gone and Fredo's Pizza is back. Last year Fredo's was at the Boardwalk Mall...now it's at Cedar. Where will it show up next year?

There was some cleaning going on at Morey's, but nothing was open...not even Curley's Fries.

The front of the Boardwalk Mall is looking good with its new windows and paint. The Captain Jack's also looks good, but it's only take-out right now. If anyone is interested, $5000 can get you a shop in the mall for the entire season! That really isn't that bad.

I tried one of the Dole Whips from the new place in the front of the Boardwalk Mall. I had Pineapple/Strawberry swirl. It was good, but not as good as Polish Water Ice or Kohr's Brothers. The texture isn't creamy enough for me.

There was a lot of cans down the center of the boardwalk...I guess to separate the directional flow. Not sure if it will work.

We didn't see any demonstrations or protests in Wildwood...but it looks like the shirt shops are trying to cash in.

There were some shops open, but you couldn't go into the stores. All transactions were from the front.

This new place called "Amnesia" looks pretty fancy. It may have been here last season...but I forgot about it...get it?
They finished painting the big water tower in the background.
Well, that's all for this trip. The weather was nice and we had a good time. We will continue to return for short mid-week visits during the season. Hopefully the businesses do well enough to make it back next year. We know we will support our favorites.
The Mall really looks great with the new paint. I hope the new stores there do well. Playa Bowls is up in my neck of the woods and is really good (even if a bit pricey).
I'm sorry to see Pop's didn't make it. To be honest I didn't buy any popcorn from them but I hate to see businesses not survive.
Thanks for the report! The front of the mall looks great. I think if they redo a GOOD looking whale wall on the side it'd fit perfectly with how the front looks.
Interesting to see Pop's gone already. It was doing good business when we were there in August. The water tower looks great!
If mid-week is empty like that, I think I'd feel comfortable for a day trip.
Nice pics. I know the Moreys have closed Adventure Pier this season and are planning major renovations.
Thank you or posting pictures from your last few day trips! We had to cancel our reservations for Mother's Day weekend and August so I am really missing my happy place.
Great pics. Really enjoyed them. The Boardwalk Mall paint does look very nice. The Wildwood Video Archive did a nice little drone video of the water tower paint job you mentioned......Warren