So my son and I took an overnight trip to Wildwood on May 16th to the 17th to see how the island was opening up during the Covid-19 pandemic. The weather was great on Saturday although things really cooled off on Sunday. There was a decent number of people on the boardwalk and beach although we didn't see many people wearing masks or trying to social distance themselves. Even most police and sanitation workers on the boardwalk were not wearing masks. The only thing that was allowed to be open on the boardwalk were food establishments, and they were all take-out. We did, however, see people eating at the tables in Snow White...but not in any other restaurants. Here are some pictures and observations from the trip:

I got my first slice of Mack's Pizza for the season from the Robert's Ave Mack's...both locations were open. It was so good that I got a second slice on Sunday. That slice was even better than my first!

The Olympic Flame facade looked freshened up.

A new mural on the Auntie Anne's wall.

A new food establishment going in at Spicer Ave.

The new shops along the front of the Boardwalk Mall were open for business. There is a Dole Whips place and an Acai Bowl place. I really wanted to try the Dole whips...but I got a Kohrs Brothers instead. Maybe next time. The new front windows are garage doors that open up on nice days. They still didn't try to repaint the whale mural.

Snow White was open so we had to get a roast beef sandwich. It was great like always. In fact, we got a second sandwich on Sunday.

No stores at any of the Morey's Piers were open...including Curley's. Curley's is supposed to open this coming weekend.

Douglass Fudge was open, but they would only allow one customer in at a time...and of course, no more free samples at any of the fudge places.

There was a good sized line outside the Wildwood Ave Mack's Pizza. They are still only excepting cash. And although the workers are wearing masks and gloves, the same person handles the money and gets your pizza...while wearing the same gloves!

A lot of people were lined up for Kohrs. I had the peanut butter and chocolate and it was great like always.

We tried the new lobster roll place and really liked the lobster rolls and clam chowder. The rolls cost $14 a piece, but they have plenty of tasty lobster meat. We actually got a second one on Sunday. We also tried their lobster mac and cheese, however we thought that was too salty. I can say that this place was the cleanest and taking the most precautions to stop the spread of the virus. They had hand sanitizer, they wiped down their credit card machine after each customer, and even had masks for customers.

Sunny was out.

The Kohrs sign on 26 Ave was missing...maybe it was damaged in the recent storm.

The arcades were not allowed to be open yet...and Ed was not happy.

Rutgers is doing some ocean current studies in North Wildwood.

There is this huge mountain of sand next to Seaport Pier. It must be part of the beach replenishment.

Here is the new walkway that goes under Seaport Pier. It wasn't open yet.

Since Curley's was closed, we tried the fresh cut fries from Grab-a-Wiener and thought they were pretty good.

The city added some photo props along the beach. I like the Wildwood sign recreation.

In addition to these signs, they played a recording on the boardwalk every 15 minutes encouraging social distancing. Click the link below to here the recording with some video I shot.
Unfortunately, I don't think most visitors to the island are taking the coronavirus seriously and we were some of the few people on the boardwalk wearing masks. We have decided to avoid Wildwood during holidays so we won't return for Memorial Day or the 4th of July. We will still go down for short trips mid-week, but I know it is going to be hard to social distance down there. Also, I doubt Morey's Piers will completely open this year. I don't think they will be able to get enough help and will not be able to keep all the rides sanitized. If they do open, I think they will only open about half the rides on Surfside and Mariner's. We'll have to see how things play out. Hopefully, the covid-19 vaccine will come out sooner than later.
I'm so late on this...thanks for the report! always enjoy reading them/looking at the pics.
Thanks for sharing! I have two trips planned this year that we are still doing, though I expect the boardwalk/ride experience to be much different than usual. So long as I can sit myself on the beach and swim I'm happy. I hope the businesses on the boardwalk are able to weather this Summer, I hate to think that many will go out of business.
Great pics, really enjoyed them. Thanks for posting>>>>>>Warren
We are still deciding what we will do this summer. It will be interesting to see if the rides/games open.
Cedar Point still doesn't really know. They have officially cancelled the 150th year celebration and will do it next year. Anyone who bought the special all year pass in the presale will have it extended until 2021. They keep saying they plan on opening, but it doesn't sound promising. In honor of the 150th year, you could buy a commemorative brick. We did do this, so I would love to see our brick. I remember the 125th anniversary. I feel old.
Thanks for the pictures and report. It makes me happy and sad at the same time. We are still debating our trip from Ohio this year. We are going to wait and see how things are going. If we do go, we will probably make it a shorter trip and will not be there on the weekends. We have been there 33 summers in a row, and I can't bear to not go. Who knows, if my husband won't go with me I might go myself😀
Thanks for the update and agree with you about Morey's pier. I hope to get a few day trips during the week, this will be the first times in 50 years I haven't spent at least a full week in wildwood. I am already missing it