Ocean Holiday to be expanded according to new planning board notice. Great news that they are keeping the existing motel and enhancing it.
NOTICE TO BE PUBLISHED IN OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER TAKE NOTICE that on November 13, 2019, at 5:00 PM, a hearing will be conducted before the Planning Board of the Borough of Wildwood Crest at the Municipal Building, 6101 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood Crest, NJ, on the appeal or application of the undersigned for a hardship variance or other relief so as to permit the renovation of an existing 5 story hotel located at the intersection of Ocean Avenue and Rosemary Road. Renovations include the addition of a 6th floor (containing 14 new hotel units), the addition of 5 floors of 13 hotel rooms along Ocean Avenue, the renovation/widening of all exterior balconies, the expansion of an existing 2nd floor sun deck to include a new pool area, the demolition of the existing surface pool to accommodate more parking, and the construction of a new lobby, on the premises located at 6501 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood Crest designated as Block 50.04, Lots 3, 4, 7 and 8, on the Tax Map of the Borough of Wildwood Crest. Applicant seeks preliminary and final site plan approval, together with the following variances, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(c), and the cited sections of the Borough Land Development Ordinance: Front and/or side yard setbacks (Ordinance Section 85-60(A)(1)(a)) Maximum building coverage (Ordinance Section 85-60(A)(1)(d) Maximum lot coverage (Ordinance Section 85-60(A)(1)(e) Minimum parking requirements; minimum on-site parking requirements; tandem parking; parking aisle width; location of parking spaces; landscaped buffer for parking areas (Ordinance Section 85-89) Number and area of signs (Ordinance Section 85-97(E)(1)(a). If deemed necessary, compliance with the requirements of Ordinance Section 85-81, governing swimming pools. Applicant also seeks any other variances or waivers deemed necessary by the board. All maps and documents relating to this application may be examined at the Land Use Office at Borough Hall, 6101 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood Crest any weekday between 9:00 AM 4:30 PM. Access to the building and files can be obtained by contacting the Planning Board Secretary at (609) 522-3916, Ext. 154. Any interested party may appear at said hearing and participate therein in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55-11. FRANK L. CORRADO, ESQUIRE ATTORNEY FOR MAHALO HOTELS, LLC Printer Fee: $39.48 Pub Date: October 29, 2019 Order #: 0000131323
heard a rumor that it's the Icona company who is doing this?
Nice to hear, I hope the finished product looks great. It's always good news to see improvements to area lodging as success could spur further renovations in other properties and maybe even some new hotels one day.
Thats a huge renovation to an already big hotel. Great news. They are sinking some $$ into it.
excellent news!!!