Based on the following planning board notice, it looks like the lot that was originally approved for a 25 story high-rise will be a parking lot with solar panels. The Moreys paid a lot for the parking lot. It will be interesting to see if this is a temporary usage or the final plan.
NOTICE OF HEARING PLANNING/ZONING BOARD APPLICATION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned has filed an application with the Planning/Zoning Board of the City of Wildwood for site plan approval, variances and waivers from the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance to install car ports with solar panels within the existing parking lot located on Ocean Avenue between Juniper and Poplar Avenues together with other site improvements which includes new landscaping and buffering.
ill stop by city hall tomorrow to see the blue prints and do an article
I am just surprised that the Moreys spent over $3M dollars to keep it a parking lot.
I would have liked to see something more interesting than a parking lot but more parking is needed.