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I know that I'm late to the party, but I am Really Unhappy that the old forum has disappeared!!! There were so many awesome and informative posts there. I've been on the forum for at least 12 years, and it was quite a shocker to suddenly lose our virtual home. Just when I achieved Goddess status...grumble grumble! I'll give this new forum a try, but I admit to feeling gun-shy now. I also wanted to let our other forum members know that I'm here too.
I'd like to inform all of you lovers of the old forum, that it is forever preserved at The Way Back Machine internet archive at:
Just search and go through the website to the message board. It's all still there!.. A snapshot was taken even last year. Just click the 2018 timeline.. or go back as far as you'd like!..
Russ: Please ignore my 'general discussion' post, as I've read your message now, above. I totally understand.
Looking forward to the future.
Your friend through Doo Wop,
Hi everyone! My name in the old forum was LittleMissBarbs. While I hadn't been too active in the site, I still enjoyed going on from time to time and reading up on what was going on in the Wildwoods. Imagine my surprise when I went on the other night to find that everything had completely changed. I'm sad that the old forum is gone...all those memories. I'm really hoping that they can move everything over. Still, it's nice to see some familiar posters :)
WOW.....This caught me off guard!!!!! It will take some getting used we get to keep our member status...for the number of posts? Lets stick together and make this site as great as the old one!!!
Well at least I could use my own username on this one. Was a little tired of using my wife's account (cynda109). Really could have used a 'heads up' on the change including a link to the new site. But unfortunately change is inevitable.
One word can stand for many of the comments we all have made here:
I have invested countless hours in this forum for well over 10 years, probably closer to 15. Have been absent recently mainly because I was too lazy to deal with the rigors of photo posting. But being in WW for a special visit (usually I’m only here around Labor Day) I decided to pop in and see what was happening with this group.
Oh. My. God.
(Judging from other comments I guess I’d have been nearly as shocked even if I’d been checking in here every day.)
I often considered using one of those funky programs (probably gone with the wind now) that can copy an entire message board to save the incredible, if occasionally annoying (of course), conversation here. Idea now filed under shoulda-woulda-coulda.
A sad hello to all the familiar characters I see in this comment thread.
I just ordered a third slice of Macks. All your fault, DWPL.
Well, trying to keep an open mind here,,,,, hey, this might just work out ok! We all know you are trying Russ! Thank you!
Ditto to the post above...the changed format is a lot nicer
Thanks for listening to us, Russ. It's appreciated.
Have the Nostalgia and Trip Reports sections been permanently deleted or are they just waiting to be reinstated?
So disappointing to check in on the forum and find it gone. I was heartened to see my forum friends here talking about it. At first I thought I was out of luck as I do not have any other way to contact members. Glad you are here. This forum is so far very cold, bland and not intuitive. All the things the other forum was NOT. By the way I am Warren from the other forum.
What was the actual reason the old forum was deleted anyway?
I hate to be overly harsh because I'm sure there was a lot of work put into this, but the website is REALLY bad. It looks like it was designed by a 12 year old. It's hard to navigate, a lot of the content is stale and outdated, and it has technical problems like the screens don't scale properly when you resize. It's definitely no improvement over the old website and forums.
It's kind of strange that they killed the old forum since it was the only thing alive on the old site.
Sad to see our old forum go the way of many motels in WW, too bad the feeling for change has corrupted even the Doowop forum. All I can say is that I along with many others are greatly disappointed in what someone felt needed to happen. A lot like our beloved town, sometimes things are better left alone!
man, I'm just bummed waking up and not being able to check out the old forum. sometimes I'd go through posts from YEARS ago, just to absorb some knowledge or look at pictures. this is not cool.
Frank should be aware as it was posted on Facebook. Anyway, I think the best thing we can do for right now is just to start posting, we have to start somewhere. . I do hope they add some pizazz to the forum, this is quite dull right now.
Frank and Rob, if you are out there I would like to know what you think about this new forum and the fact that the old forum appears to be wiped off the face of the Earth.