It looks like the Grand View gift store and adjacent stores are planned to be replaced with 5 new stores and a new 30 room hotel above if approved by the planning board in November.
NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned has filed an application with the Planning/Zoning Board of the City of Wildwood for site plan approval and variances for construction of a new building containing five boardwalk storefronts and a thirty unit hotel above the stores which will require variance relief and waivers from the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance from: T/E Zone Section 414(H)(5) Lot area; Front yard setback on Ocean Avenue above 32 feet requires a 10 foot setback; Side yard setback above 32 feet requires a 10 foot setback; Rear yard requires a 20 foot setback zero is proposed; Maximum Building Coverage; Maximum Lot Coverage; BA Zone Section 414(D)(5) front yard setback of 29.25 feet; rear yard setback of 0 feet; principal building coverage of 100%; lot coverage of 100%; Section 608(A)(4)(B) Off street parking for commercial use Hotel & Motel Units; Section 17-609 (G) Sign: wall mounted sign along Baker Avenue, 445 SF where 97.5 is permitted; Section 17-609 (G) Sign: one wall mounted and one marquee sign along Baker Avenue where one wall mounted sign is permitted and the following waivers: A waiver from providing the location and type of adequate drainage provisions to reasonably reduce and minimize exposure to flood damage; a waiver from providing location, direction of illumination, power and type of proposed outdoor lighting including details and luminaries, a waiver from providing screening, buffering and landscaping plan, a waiver from providing a statement of environmental impact and assessment; together with any and all other variances and/or waivers that may be deemed necessary by the Board at the time of the hearing. The property is located at 4208-4218 Boardwalk, Wildwood, NJ 08260 and designated as Block 120, Lot 6 on the Tax Map of the City of Wildwood. The application is now on the calendar of the Board of the City of Wildwood. The initial public hearing has been set for November 2, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., at City Hall, 4400 New Jersey Avenue, Wildwood, Cape May County, New Jersey.
The Boardwalk elevation with the angles and glass has a nice mid-century modern touch to it. Some new life on the boardwalk is sorely needed. now if that horrible yellow building could only be developed next....
It looks like a solid plan.
The plans look nice.
Should be interesting. Grandview has been there forever...but the building has been getting worn down over the past several years.